Welcome to the Pegboard Blog

Spring Cleaning Tips

Well folks, its that time of year again. Its time break out the mop and [...]

Why Our Pegboards are Better Than the Competition

Here at Wallpeg, we love to demonstrate how and why our pegboards and pegboard products [...]

Made in the USA: How American Manufacturing is making a Comeback

Here at Wallpeg Store, all of our products are proudly made in the USA. As [...]

10 Great DIY Storage Ideas Besides Pegboards

  While pegboard storage solutions really do solve just about any organization problem that life [...]

Wallpeg Stories: Basement Reorganization!

Once again, we are back with a great customer-submitted story! This one comes from John, [...]

Kitchen Organization Tips

An organized kitchen allows you the freedom to create great meals for your family or [...]

Wallpeg Stories: Home Network Organization

We are blown away with each and every new customer story we recieve. We are [...]


Springtime Safety Tips for Pets

With spring in full swing, which means that Spring Cleaning and long overdue home improvement [...]

Your Wallpeg Stories

Last month, we asked out previous customers to send us thier stories about how Wallpeg [...]

Getting Ready For Spring: Home Improvement Tips

February is almost here, which means we have about a month left until the dawn [...]