Pegboards: Great for Organizing More than Just Tools…

Here at Wallpeg headquarters, we’ve received a lot of messages from clients over the past several years telling us about all the amazing different kinds of things they use their pegboards for. Looking at our website, we generally feature tools and garage items in our pegboard photos, so many assume that organizing a garage is the only application of a pegboard.  However, that really couldn’t be further from the truth.

Over the years, we’ve had clients report back to us about how they’ve organized everything from their kitchen’s pots, pans, and utensils, to their earrings, necklaces, and other jewelry by using our Wallpeg pegboards.  In fact, our pegboards have even been used by marine mammal trainers to train dolphins by having them hang various items on specific hooks underwater!

For that reason, we’ve decided to start this blog as a means of sharing some of the many, many applications of our pegboards with our customers.  In fact, if you have a pegboard story that you would like to share with us, please submit it using the Contact Us form (pictures are great too!). If we decide to publish your story online, we’ll send you a special gift from us at Wallpeg.

Stay tuned for our next post on Jewelry Organization that we hope to have live and online early next week!

By: David Garcia

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